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VOCA Funding Bill Reaches Senate Floor PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Tuesday, 12 March 2024 16:15

domestic-violenceMADISON – Today, the Wisconsin State Senate took up Senate Bill 877, relating to funding for victim services and domestic abuse services, training for grant recipients, grants to child advocacy centers, and making an appropriation. As the lead Democratic Senate author, State Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

“Domestic violence has taken too many lives across Wisconsin. We know that prevention, intervention, and supportive services do save and improve lives. Today, the State Senate took action to fund these vital programs to bridge the gap in federal funding.

melissa-agard“I want to thank advocacy groups from across the state for voicing the need for this legislation. This bill crossed the finish line, in large part, due to their tireless efforts to highlight the need for funding that will provide needed survivor services. When signed into law, this will help child advocacy centers, organizations that support survivors of sexual violence, and many more.  Without this legislation, services would have been cut, leading to catastrophic results.

“Victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault deserve every avenue available to become survivors. I’m so glad that SB 877 has passed the Senate today and heads to the governor’s desk. This is a huge step in the right direction for Wisconsinites to receive these services and feel seen, heard, and believed. Together, we can continue to make Wisconsin a safer place.”

According to the latest annual Domestic Violence Homicide Report, 96 people in Wisconsin lost their lives to domestic violence (DV) in 2022 – 16 more deaths than the previous year. This is the highest total since End Abuse began releasing the data in 2000 and a 20% increase from last year’s total of 80 people.

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