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Pro-Democracy Organizations Call for Commissioner Robert Spindell’s Resignation PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Nick Ramos   
Tuesday, 20 February 2024 09:35

trump-insurgents-enterSpindell and nine others acknowledged they served as fake electors and were “part of an attempt to improperly overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

MILWAUKEE WI – Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, All Voting Is Local Action Wisconsin, Black Leaders Organizing Communities (BLOC),  Souls to the Polls - WI, Power to the Polls - WI, the Wisconsin Working Families Party, Voces De La Frontera, Voces de la Frontera Action,  the African American Roundtable - MKE, and SEIU - WI rallied Wisconsinites on President’s Day (February 19) to call for Robert Spindell’s resignation from the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

robert-spindell-wecRecently, Spindell settled a civil lawsuit brought against him and nine others in Wisconsin who – as they acknowledged as part of the settlement – served as fake electors and whose actions were “part of an attempt to improperly overturn the 2020 presidential election results." In the past, he’s also openly bragged about voter suppression efforts that targeted Black and Brown communities in Milwaukee. Last week, during a Wisconsin Elections Commission meeting, Spindell was confronted about his role in overturning the 2020 presidential election and cavalier attitude toward the suppression of BIPOC voters in Milwaukee. His response: “There is no white Republican that has done more for the Black community than me.”

/trump-jan6-attackThe public expects our elections in Wisconsin to be free and fair. Those expectations can never be achieved while Spindell sits on the Wisconsin Elections Commission. We cannot afford to erode the public’s trust when it comes to our elections and our democracy. Especially as Wisconsin enters a new presidential election cycle. The fake elector scheme that Spindell participated in nearly disenfranchised 3.3 million voters in Wisconsin. Our election commissioners must be trusted stewards and protectors of our democracy. Spindell has proven that he is neither of those things through his actions and his words.

Nick Ramos, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign remarked, “Abraham Lincoln must have been rolling in his grave when he heard Robert Spindell, on the record, say that he has done more for the Black community than any white Republican. If he really cares about Black people in this state, he should do the right thing and step away from the Wisconsin Elections Commission. Black and Brown people already have a hard enough time voting in Wisconsin. They don’t need another barrier in the form of Spindell.”

Throughout our nation’s history countless men and women – from service members to freedom marchers – have made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our Democracy and protect the right to vote in free elections. For Robert Spindell to brag about suppressing the vote of Black Americans while conspiring to overturn a free and fair election is unconscionable and illegal,” said Fmr. Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes, President of Power to the Polls. “Wisconsinites deserve far better than Robert Spindell’s cynical partisan power-grab. He should be deeply ashamed of his actions and resign immediately.”

Angela Lang, Executive Director of Black Leaders Organizing Communities said, “Commissioner Bob Spindell has proven time and time again that he is unfit to continue to serve. He has consistently undermined Black voters by serving as a fake elector, and bragged about lower turnout in our community. Our democracy is too important to have someone like Bob Spindell serve on the commission. We will continue working together until he resigns.”

Sam Liebert, Wisconsin State Director of All Voting is Local Action asserted, “the removal of Commissioner Spindell from the Wisconsin Elections Commission is not a political demand; it is a plea to safeguard the foundation of our democracy. Wisconsinites, especially those in our Black and Brown communities, deserve officials who understand the unique challenges we face.”

Corinne Rosen, Working Families Party State Director said, “Commissioner Spindell needs to be removed from the Wisconsin Elections Commission. Fake electors have no place running our elections. We see his words and actions, for what they are, an attempt to disenfranchise voters and attack the multiracial working class communities of Wisconsin. We recognize the bigotry he has shown as business as usual and are calling for him to step down immediately. And we encourage people to make a commitment to vote in each and every election this year.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 24 February 2024 10:04
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