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Wisconsin’s New, Fair State Legislative Maps PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Redistricting, Brooke Lillard   
Monday, 19 February 2024 15:04

vote-47-mbWisconsin’s success follows long-term fight for fairness and years-long investments from NDRC and affiliates.

Washington, D.C. — Today, Eric H. Holder, Jr., the 82nd Attorney General of the United States and Chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), released the following statement in response to the new Wisconsin state legislative maps signed into law by Gov. Tony Evers:

"The new legislative maps mark the start of a new chapter for democracy in Wisconsin and a potential end to the GOP’s illegitimate hold on political power. Thanks to Governor Evers’ leadership, a fair-minded state Supreme Court majority and the great people of Wisconsin, Wisconsinites have a chance for the first time in more than a decade to elect a state legislature that more closely reflects the will of the people and enacts policies that are actually popular and productive. 

eric-holder"This progress did not happen overnight. It required playing the ‘long game’—years of focus and participation, wins in court and at the ballot box, and, most importantly, tenacious citizens standing up for, and taking action, to ensure the right to vote in free and fair elections. The state has been a focus for NDRC since our inception. Wisconsin provides an important lesson in the fight for fairness: we must DO democracy in order to protect and strengthen democracy, each and every year. It is a model of success that can be applied to some of the most egregiously gerrymandered states today like North Carolina, Texas, Florida and Ohio. 

“Wins today can indeed lead to transformational change later, turning even more states into beacons of hope like Wisconsin is today."

Background on AG Holder’s past involvement in the Wisconsin Supreme Court elections:

Since 2018, Eric H. Holder, Jr., the 82nd Attorney General of the United States and Chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), has consistently invested time and resources into Wisconsin Supreme Court races. Over the past half decade, Holder has made numerous trips to mobilize voters, raised millions of dollars, and brought increased national attention to these critical campaigns. Specifically, the NDRC has made investments in the Wisconsin Supreme Court races in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2023. Each cycle he traveled to the state, raised money and helped mobilize voters.

The 2023 Wisconsin Supreme Court election was top priority for Attorney General Holder who endorsed Judge Janet Protasiewicz in February following the Wisconsin Supreme Court primary election. Leading up to the general election, he participated in a series of fundraisers, including joint events with Wisconsin Democrats to ensure her campaign had the resources to fight back against national Republican attacks, and he participated in a series of local radio interviews to help get out the vote in Wisconsin. Attorney General Holder also traveled to Wisconsin to help get out the vote in the Milwaukee metropolitan area and Madison. In addition to Attorney General Holder’s participation, NDRC and affiliates continuously engaged their grassroots networks to help recruit volunteers and get out the vote leading up to the April 2023 election.

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