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Donald Trump Criticizes Israel, Praises Terrorists PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Biden for President 2024 Press   
Thursday, 12 October 2023 16:05

trump-donald_072622Is “Unfit for Leadership” say critics from all sides.

WASHINGTON - After Donald Trump hurled insults at Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and praised Hezbollah as “very smart” during a speech in Florida last night, people are calling out Trump for his outrageous and depraved comments that remind us how much of an embarrassment he is on the world stage – while President Biden projects strong leadership and support for America’s friend and ally. 

In case you missed it … 


@TammyDuckworth: “After years of praising dictators, Donald Trump is now calling Hezbollah terrorists ‘very smart.’

He's undermining our ally in their time of need.

He is a threat to national security. 

He was, and continues to be, unfit to be commander in chief.”

@JBPritzker: “Last night's comments from Donald Trump are a stark reminder that he's unfit for leadership. This isn't just dangerous; it's disgraceful. Our top generals have warned us—Trump is a threat to our security.”

@SaraJacobsCA: “We know Donald Trump has a history of praising dictators, but praising terrorists is a new low. He's completely unfit to lead our country.”

@RepDonBeyer: “Trump attacks Israel and says Hezbollah is ‘very smart.’”

@danielsgoldman: “After the worst terror attack in Israeli history, Donald Trump criticizes Israel and praises the terrorists, yet again tacitly giving aide and comfort to our enemies. This man is a danger to national security and must never be in public office again.”

@ShevrinJones: “.@realDonaldTrump praised terrorists and criticized Israel last night in Florida -- another stark reminder to the American people that his words and actions are disqualifying to be the leader of the free world. This moment requires proven presidential leadership and action — not dangerous, erratic rhetoric from a man who has coddled dictators and our own military leadership has warned us against. That’s why we must re-elect President @JoeBiden next year.”

@harrisonjaime: “Disgusting. Depraved. Dangerous.

In the face of pure evil, Donald Trump continues to show us exactly who he is – a spineless man who has consistently pandered to our enemies & undermined our allies. While Donald Trump continues to demonstrate how unhinged and unfit he is to lead, I am grateful for 
@POTUS's steady leadership and unwavering commitment to standing with Israel.”

@NikkiFried: “Donald Trump continues to remind us that he is no friend to Israel and is unfit to serve.”

@MeidasTouch: “Whoa. Trump just attacked Israel and said that he'll ‘never forget’ that they didn't participate in the Soleimani operation. He said Israel ‘let us down’ and needs to ‘straighten it out’ and called them weak, saying they should ‘strengthen themselves up.’”

@juliaioffe: “When people say Trump supports Israel, show them this.”

@PoliticusSarah: “After the deadly attack on Israel, Trump centers…himself.”

@asymmetricinfo: “Praising Hezbollah for something horrific, which they didn't even do. It's like the distilled essence of every reason the man is unfit to be president.”

@jacobkornbluh: “A day after Biden’s Israel speech, Trump — the GOP frontrunner for president — blasts Israel for lack of intelligence re: Hamas attack and says I'll never forget that Bibi Netanyahu let us down,’ on Soleimani mission. ‘That was a very terrible thing.’”

@biannagolodryga: “Israeli Minister Shlomo Karhi in response to Trump's comments: "It's a shame that such a person, the former president of the United States, assists in propaganda and disseminating things that harm the spirit of IDF fighters and the spirit of Israel's residents." -@haaretzcom”

@tristansnell: “Trump just praised Hezbollah as ‘very smart’ for attacking Israel. Yes, you read that correctly.”

@AaronParnas: “Tonight, Donald Trump attacked Israel and called Hezbollah ‘very smart.’

This week over 1,200 Israelis have died as a result of terrorist attacks committed by Hamas and other terrorist organizations.   

Trump's comments are disqualifying, antisemitic, and horrendous.”

@RpsAgainstTrump: “Israel's communications Minister Shlomo Karhi slams Trump  for his attack on Israel:

‘It's shameful that a man like that, a former US president, abets propaganda and disseminates things that wound the spirit of Israel’s fighters and its citizens.’”


Times of Israel: “Trump: Hezbollah ‘very smart,’ Defense Minister Gallant is a ‘jerk’”

Washington Post: “Trump’s comments reflected his long-established pattern of slighting U.S. allies while complimenting adversaries such as Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.”

Politico: “He criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and called Hezbollah ‘very smart.’ Both less than a week after the attack on Israel. It was, as billed, a speech about the atrocities abroad. In the most Trumpian way possible.”

Bloomberg: “The former president also criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not joining him in a 2020 drone strike in Iraq that killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani and called Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militant group that has been designated as a terrorist organization by the US, ‘very smart.’ … Trump’s remarks came after President Joe Biden has mounted a vigorous defense of Israel and vowed to stand by the Jewish community against a rising tide of antisemitism. Biden on Tuesday condemned the weekend attacks by Hamas as “pure, unadulterated evil,” and promised military assistance to Israel.”


On CNN, Ana Navarro: “The contrast again could not be starker. At a time when you see billboards thanking America and thanking Joe Biden, at a time when Israelis gathering around our secretary of state, hugging him. And they are hugging him as an extension of America. You see, here in America, people are trying to blame Americans for what just happened in Israel. Come on, folks, come on. Stop this stupidity and stop the insanity, stop  the partisan shots, we have to unite at a time like this.”

On MSNBC, Jonathan Lemire: “Trump has, he has always admired the strong men. He's admired the dictators. He's been envious of their powers. He is, of course, not shy in criticizing those who he feels like have not been appropriately grateful to him, as I reported an hour ago, part of the reason why he's mad at Netanyahu right now is because Netanyahu had the audacity to praise President Biden and the Biden's administration's response to the crisis there. And this is who the Republicans right now are looking hell bent on to nominate again to be president of the United States. Someone who has tossed aside alliances and let's not forget, is currently under indictment for sharing our most sensitive secrets some of that intelligence of course, collected from our allies.”

On MSNBC, Joe Scarborough: “Former President Donald Trump yesterday is more focused on criticizing our Israeli allies while praising, that's right praising, Hezbollah. The terrorist group that is, of course, lobbing missiles right now to Israel from the north.”

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