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Wisconsin Republicans Intensify War on Transgender Community PDF Print E-mail
Written by Ryan Clancy Press   
Thursday, 28 September 2023 09:54

trans-athletes-rallyTransgender Parent and Non-Binary Advocacy Caucus Strongly Condemns Anti-Gender Affirming Care Legislation

MADISON – Wednesday, Republican legislators circulated a bill that would impose a ban on gender affirming care for anyone under the age of 18. Despite the threat of the Governor’s veto and these extremists’ bans being blocked by other states for their lack of constitutional merit, Republicans again take aim at our transgender community.

Gender affirming care is lifesaving care.  According to the National Library of Medicine, “82% of [transgender individuals] considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide.” The study found that “school belonging, emotional neglect by family, and internalized self-stigma made a unique, statistically significant contribution to past 6-month suicidality. Results have significant practice and policy implications.”

The Transgender Parent and Non-Binary Advocacy Caucus (TPANAC) strongly condemns and opposes this egregious legislation. Representative Melissa Ratcliff (D-Cottage Grove), co-chair of the Transgender Parent and Non-Binary Advocacy Caucus released the following response:

melissa-ratcliff“This proposed legislation is complete BS. Gender affirming care saves lives. Full stop. Gender affirming care should not be criminalized. In fact, the same accredited scholarly journals Republicans reference in support of this hateful bill, actually endorse gender affirming care. Extremists in this legislature do not rely on actual evidence and once again, when it comes to our trans and non-binary community, are substituting fear for facts. This proposed bill is both heartbreaking in its cruelty and maddening in its awful attempts to target, harm, and further marginalize Wisconsin’s trans community.”

Co-Chair Representative Ryan Clancy (D-Milwaukee) released the following statement:

ryan-clancy“The goal of legislation should be to protect children from harm. Even the introduction of this bill causes real harm by signaling to trans youth and their families that their worst fears are confirmed: that people in power want to deny their identities and the right to be accepted and celebrated in our community. In speaking with parents of trans youth, one of the greatest fears is that the community will do harm to their children. It is not the responsibility of trans folks to change or suppress who they are, nor the doctors to deny life-saving care, but responsibility of our community to provide all people a safe, welcoming and supportive state. This legislation endangers them.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 30 September 2023 10:07
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