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Republicans Attack Trans Youth in so-called “Parents Bill of Rights” Legislation PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Ratcliff Press   
Friday, 22 September 2023 09:41

school-meeting-crowdProposed legislation is not about rights, but just another way to bully teachers, school boards, and students about race and gender.

MADISON - Thursday, four Republican legislators circulated a bill to create a so-called “Parental Bill of Rights” similar to legislation introduced by extremists in other states and signed into law by some Governors including Ron DeSantis in Florida.

The Transgender Parent and Non-Binary Advocacy Caucus (TPANAC) strongly condemns and opposes this legislation. Representative Melissa Ratcliff (D-Cottage Grove), co-chair of the Transgender Parent and Non-Binary Advocacy Caucus released the following response:

melissa-ratcliff“This proposed legislation is not about rights, but rather about wrongs the Republicans want to inflict on our state and our students, especially transgender students. It is a bill designed, in part, to bully teachers, school boards, and students about race and gender. It is hard to know which element of this bill is the most egregious, but certainly forbidding students to determine their preferred name and pronouns in school is right at the top of the list. Despite knowing Governor Evers will veto this legislation, the GOP is obsessed with its war on marginalized and vulnerable communities, including the transgender and non-binary communities.”

Co-Chair Representative Ryan Clancy (D-Milwaukee) released the following statement:

ryan-clancy“Earlier today the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, where I also serve, passed a resolution declaring Milwaukee a sanctuary city for trans and non-binary people. During the debate one of my colleagues on the board asked why a resolution like this was necessary if we aren’t seeing any attacks on these communities from the state. But we are seeing attacks. We are seeing Republican legislation like the Parental Rights Act that directly targets trans and non-binary communities. This is not a hypothetical threat. The Parental Rights Act would do real harm and damage to the trans and non-binary youth of Wisconsin when they need support and acceptance the most.”

Last Updated on Friday, 22 September 2023 10:04
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