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New ads highlight Dan Kelly’s extreme record PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Janet Protasiewicz Press   
Friday, 10 March 2023 09:49

janet-protasiewiczJanet Protasiewicz’s campaign ads highlight his involvement in the fake elector scheme and opposition to reproductive freedom.

MILWAUKEE, Wis. – Thursday, Judge Janet Protasiewicz’s campaign for Wisconsin Supreme Court released two additional TV ads, which are airing across the state.

The ads highlight Dan Kelly’s extreme political positions, including his involvement in the fake elector scheme and opposition to reproductive freedom. As a community leader, 25-year prosecutor, judge, and a lifelong advocate for victims of crime, Judge Janet Protasiewicz is committed to restoring integrity to the state’s highest court.

Earlier this week, the campaign released an ad detailing Dan Kelly’s corruption on the bench and one showing Judge Protasiewicz’s strong record of public service. These ads are part of the campaign’s $7.9 million-plus advertising campaign.


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Remember this and this and the false elector scheme?

In Wisconsin, extremist Dan Kelly was the right wing lawyer behind the scenes of it all.

The bipartisan January 6th commission revealed Kelly advised Trump operatives as Special Counsel to overturn the will of the people and overthrow the election results.

Kelly even went on tour promoting the Big Lie.

On April 4th, vote like democracy depends on it.

Because it does.


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Two candidates for Supreme Court.

Two very different beliefs.

Judge Janet Protasiewicz, she believes women should have the freedom to make their own decisions on abortion.

Extremist Dan Kelly, he supports the 1849 law that takes away women’s rights and criminalizes abortion even in cases of rape, incest, and health of the mother.

So who represents you?

An extremist?

Or a common-sense judge?

Vote by April 4th.

Judge Janet Protasiewicz has spent more than 35 years in the law, defending the rights of victims, protecting children, and upholding the law. Find out more about Judge Janet at www.JanetForJustice.com.

Last Updated on Saturday, 11 March 2023 10:14
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