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MAGA Hot Mic Special Edition: The GOP Shows No Shame PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by DNC War Room Press   
Friday, 19 August 2022 10:02

ron-johnsonRead the record regarding their extreme, out-of-touch stance on abortion.

WASHINGTON, DC - Today’s MAGA Hot Mic is a special edition rounding up what MAGA Republicans have said on the record regarding their extreme, out-of-touch stance on abortion. Whether they voice support for a national abortion ban, or believe in NO exceptions under any circumstances, MAGA Republicans are too extreme to be in power and will be held accountable in November. 

Here’s the latest MAGA Hot Mic’s from this week alone:

  • Trump-endorsed GOP nominee for Michigan secretary of state, Kristina Karamo attacked women who make deeply serious medical decisions about their own bodies with a ludicrous comparison. She even went as far as calling abortion “the greatest crime of our nation’s history.”

  • In addition to calling for an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape and incest, John Gibbs, the Trump-endorsed GOP nominee for Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District, took his anti-abortion stance to a new extreme with comments dismissing victims of miscarriage and rape.

  • After introducing her extreme abortion bill, Tennessee GOP Rep. Rebecca Alexander said that under her legislation family members, neighbors, or siblings of a rapist could bring suit against a minor who was raped and force them to pay the $10,000 fine if they decide to have an abortion.

  • Brian Seitz and Missouri Republicans have long made clear that the GOP is too extreme and completely out of touch with Americans on abortion. In March, Seitz introduced HB 2810 – legislation seeking to criminalize reproductive health.

  • Last, but certainly not least, is none other than Republican U.S. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. During a recent interview, Ron Johnson left the door open to supporting a federal ban on abortion in the future.

MAGA Republicans’ position on reproductive health is too extreme for Americans, yet they are all in on their plan to ban abortion. The extreme GOP is blowing the door wide open on their agenda and proving to voters exactly what’s at stake in November.

Last Updated on Friday, 19 August 2022 10:08
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