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Appleton takes important steps toward clean energy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters Press   
Friday, 06 May 2022 14:00

clean-airAppleton’s support of clean energy projects is making it a climate leader in the Fox River Valley.

APPLETON – Wisconsin Conservation Voters and its 40,000-plus members and supporters are applauding the City of Appleton for hiring a Project and Resilience Manager under its Climate Action Plan.

Mayor Jake Woodford and Appleton’s Task Force on Resiliency, Climate Mitigation and Adaptation are leading the way on climate and taking steps to put the city on a path toward clean energy. Their actions on clean energy are increasingly making the city a leader on climate issues.

In 2019, Appleton Common Council created the Task Force on Resiliency, Climate Mitigation and Adaptation to find ways to cut greenhouse gas emissions and build climate resilience. The task force's creation and adoption of the Climate Action Plan early this year are the blueprint for Appleton’s clean energy future.

entrepreneursLast week, Mayor Woodford championed the creation of a Project and Resilience Manager, a position that will facilitate the implementation of  Appleton’s Climate Action Plan. The Project and Resilience Manager will support clean energy projects already underway and ones to come.

Appleton’s support of clean energy projects is making it a climate leader in the Fox River Valley. Wisconsin Conservation Voters is proud of Appleton’s plan to adopt important recommendations: a climate resiliency staff position, a climate change commission, and a commitment to renewable energy goals.

Residents of Appleton interested in getting involved and supporting the community’s transition to clean energy can begin by sending a letter thanking the mayor and supportive alderpersons for taking action. By becoming a member of Wisconsin Conservation Voters and volunteering, residents can be directly involved in implementing the Climate Action Plan and building Appleton’s clean energy future, starting with the creation of a climate change commission.

Gregory J. Gauthier Jr., the Fox Valley-based Climate Organizer, said:

“Climate change is felt locally, so it needs to be addressed locally. Appleton’s actions on climate prove that local communities can be climate leaders and take substantive measures to mitigate climate change’s harm.

We thank Mayor Woodford, the Task Force on Resiliency, Climate Mitigation and Adaptation, and leading Alderpersons Alfheim and Fenton for their work on climate. These local leaders are essential for building a clean energy future and for a healthier, safer Appleton.”


Engaging voters to protect Wisconsin’s environment.

Last Updated on Saturday, 07 May 2022 14:12
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