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Russian invasion transforms Zelensky PDF Print E-mail
Written by The Hill Press   
Friday, 04 March 2022 10:37

volodymyr-zelensky-ukraine90 percent support his leadership, stirring calls to defend Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression inspire nation.

WASHINGTON, DC - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has turned around his domestic political fortunes with his leadership over the past few weeks, earning the support of an overwhelming majority of the country in the face of a Russian invasion.

Zelensky, an entertainer turned politician, saw his approval ratings steadily decline since his election in 2019, continuing a string of displeasure with leadership within Ukraine over issues like corruption.

But his stewardship of the country and stirring calls to defend Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression have impressed even those who were skeptical of his leadership just a few weeks ago, and his approval ratings have risen to over 90 percent, according to one recent poll.

Read the full story here

Last Updated on Saturday, 05 March 2022 11:00
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