hopes to Improve Citizen Engagement and Government Services.“Brad Schimel is manipulating images and telling lies to try and hide from his own soft-on-crime record of allowing over 6,000 sexual assault kits to sit untested for two years and letting domestic abusers walk with no jail time", says campaign. reports that Brad Schimel supported the J6 pardons, Harry Dunn to join Rep. Amaad Rivera-Wagner to condemn Trump's pardons and call for commitment from our leaders to protect our democracy. would repeal Wisconsin’s gold standard Prove It First mining law, a proven protector of the state’s natural resources from the harmful effects of sulfide mining. to Take Politics out of Medical Decisions, Repeal Harmful Abortions Restrictions and Improve Health Center Safety. Americans, originating from the Great Law of the Iroquois, have approached conservation decisions made today as ones that should benefit the people seven generations from now. Today, we seem to be rushing towards a new era, one where promises of the past are cast aside in the name of eliminating obstacles for business. Bill 119 would legalize growing hemp and create an active industrial program and license growers, actions eagerly supported by Wisconsin farmers. The Bill has strong bi-partisan support and Sen. Vinehout hopes it will pass quickly. candidate says what the government does needs to be done for our whole society, not just a few, at meeting of the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans in Milwaukee. Representatives Taylor, Sargent, Subeck, and Berceau introduce legislation Friday banning bump-fire stocks possessed by Las Vegas shooter in Wisconsin.