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Enrollment Began in ACA Marketplace November 1 PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Friday, 03 November 2017 15:59

affordable-care-actMore People than Ever in Wisconsin Rely on ACA Exchange Coverage

MADISON - As of November 1st, Wisconsin residents and families can apply for a 2018 health plan, renew their current plan or pick a new plan through the ACA’s Health Insurance Marketplace. The Affordable Care Act is still the law and people who buy their health care on the ACA marketplace need to take action during a shortened enrollment period this year. With all of the political rhetoric from Washington DC, people have been confused about the current law. Senator Jon Erpenbach and Representative Jimmy Anderson reminded Wisconsin residents that enrollment starts today in a press conference at the State Capitol.

jon-erpenbach“Republicans in Washington DC have worked really hard to confuse their constituents about the Affordable Care Act and health care consumer options. Cutting the outreach budget and even shortening the enrollment period to make it more difficult for people to understand their rights and responsibilities is paramount to political sabotage. It is our hope, despite the efforts of President Trump and his friends in Washington DC, people will get covered and seek health care for themselves and their families,” said Senator Jon Erpenbach (D Middleton).

Open enrollment in the 39 states using the federal marketplace starts Nov. 1 and continues until Dec. 15 for coverage that starts at the beginning of 2018. That's a considerably shorter enrollment period than past years. Plans sold on the marketplaces will still offer comprehensive coverage and no one will be turned down or charged more because they have a preexisting medical condition. Individuals who don't have insurance next year, will owe a fine unless you meet specific guidelines to be excused.

jimmy-anderson"Every Wisconsinite deserves health care coverage. With a country as prosperous as ours, no one should fear going bankrupt because of a sudden illness or injury. Being secure is not just about good schools or less crime. It's also knowing that you and your family can get the care they need at the doctor's office or the emergency room no matter what. 240,000 Wisconsinites depend on the ACA Marketplace for that security. These are our friends and neighbors who cannot afford employer coverage or who have no other options for health insurance. More people than ever in Wisconsin get their health insurance in the marketplace. We cannot allow the Trump Administration to sabotage the ACA Marketplace for petty political reasons.” said Representative Jimmy Anderson (D- Monona).

According to the Wisconsin Hospital Association, almost two-thirds of the individual insurance market in Wisconsin are on the Affordable Care Act marketplace exchange. With 84 percent of the people in that group receiving a subsidy - and in some cases a substantial subsidy - to help afford their premiums. Despite misinformation, these subsidies are still available to participants that qualify. Wisconsin's uninsured rate has dropped by 38 percent since the Affordable Care Act went into effect.

To sign up in Wisconsin visit between now and December 15th to ensure enrollment for you and you and your family.

Last Updated on Friday, 03 November 2017 16:13

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