Gov. Scott Walker Endorses Sen. Ted Cruz Print
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties - Articles for Elections
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Tuesday, 29 March 2016 13:31

scott-walkerMADISON – Governor Scott Walker endorsed Senator Ted Cruz today to be the next President of the United States, throwing his support behind a candidate who shares many of his extreme right-wing policies.  Throughout his tenure, Cruz has compared the fight to defund Obamacare to that of fighting Nazis in World War II, referred to marriage equality as the “radical gay marriage agenda”, and said those who believe in climate change are equivalent to people who believe the earth is flat.

Ted CruzCruz’s extreme record mirrors not only that of Walker, but also of current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump. Most recently, Cruz said we should “patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods”, but this only scratches the surface of his divisive rhetoric. Cruz has accused people who support marriage equality as waging “jihad” against people of faith, said the laws in this country that give women a right to choose are extreme, and has said the Obama economy is disastrous even though we have had 68 positive months of job growth.

“It’s shameful that Scott Walker would support a candidate with an extreme record of divisive policies and hateful partisan rhetoric,” Democratic Party of Wisconsin Executive Director Kory Kozloski said on Tuesday. “Ted Cruz has spent his career working to divide people across this nation, rather than working to bring us together. That is not the sort of candidate the Governor of our state should be standing behind.” Kozloski said.

Below is a brief history of Ted Cruz’s divisive rhetoric.   Climate Change


Gay Marriage and Homophobia

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